A marketing platform is the focal point of your promotional and outreach efforts...in other words the way you will get your message heard by your target audience.
Today there is no shortage of different platform options out there, things like...blogging, YouTube, Facebook, Periscope, BLAB, Twitter, Pinterest, forums, and more.
The hard part is figuring out which one of those or which combination of those is right for YOU, YOUR BUSINSSESS and YOUR CUSTOMER.
Choosing the right platform is not a one size fits all option. There are many different variables you need to consider.
To help you determine what's right for you, Los walks you through the process of choosing a platform and how to make sure it fit's your needs.
Click Here To Dial In Your Marketing Platform
Los even goes into detail on some of our businesses and shows you how we chose the platform combinations we did and how we manage our time and resources around those platforms.
All in all, it's not the sexiest topic, but then again...most of the important things in your business are very un-sexy.
Check it out here, I know you will get a lot out of it!
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